在 Python 中自動偵測閃電下單視窗,並調高亮度

December 3, 2023


Python 套件 screen_brightness_control

在 Python 中透過亮度控制套件 (GitHub) 可以設定並取得螢幕亮度:

import screen_brightness_control as sbc

# get the brightness
brightness = sbc.get_brightness()
# get the brightness for the primary monitor
primary = sbc.get_brightness(display=0)


由於做交易時會有許多顯示器,亮度可以設置成全亮的 80-90%

然後可以設置成當該顯示器打開的視窗發生重要事件時,將亮度調高到 100% 提醒自己

這邊以 "閃電下單" 為例, 閃電下單視窗名稱是 "閃電下單 1", "閃電下單 2" … 等,匹配名字即可:

import time
import screen_brightness_control as sbc
import win32gui

# Inputs
programName = "閃電下單"
defaultBrightness = 90 # 預設亮度, 80-90%
targetBrightness = 100 # 當打開閃電下單, 亮度調亮吸引注意力

# Program
pid = None
lastCheck = time.time()
printPerSec = 15
while True:
    monitors = sbc.list_monitors("wmi")
    hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
    title = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
    if time.time() >= lastCheck:
        lastCheck += printPerSec
        print(f"當前視窗: {title} (顯示器={monitors})")
    if programName in title and pid is None:
        print(f"將 '{title}' 所在顯示器的螢幕亮度,調整成 "+str(targetBrightness))
        sbc.fade_brightness(targetBrightness, display=monitors[0])
        if pid is None:
            pid = hwnd
        prevBrightness = sbc.get_brightness(display=monitors[0])[0]
        if prevBrightness == targetBrightness and not programName in title:
            print(f"將 '{title}' 所在顯示器的螢幕亮度,恢復到預設值 "+str(defaultBrightness))
            sbc.fade_brightness(defaultBrightness, display=monitors[0])
            pid = None
Tags: trading win32gui python